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Zittau: Possible germs contaminate the drinking water in Zittau, so residents have to boil it. (Archive image) / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa

Water in Zittau is clean again

Heavy rainfall impaired the water quality in Zittau. The administration exercised caution and imposed a boiling ban. Now the water is germ-free again.

The city cycling campaign is not yet as widespread in Saxony as in other federal states. (Symbolic photo) / Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa

Saxony lags behind in city cycling

Cycling as many distances as possible for 21 days - that's what the city cycling campaign is all about. In Saxony, participation is comparatively low. The organizers see one reason for this.

In Saxony, the number of nursing trainees has risen again. (Archive image) / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

More nursing staff in training

Saxony needs nursing staff. Last year, more men and, above all, women started training in the profession. What is striking is that it is not just new entrants to the profession.

Spanish star tenor José Carreras performs on stage during the 29th José Carreras Gala / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild

José Carreras Gala: collecting donations for the fight against leukemia

Opera singer José Carreras is collecting donations for his leukemia foundation for the 30th time with a television gala. The charity show from Leipzig will be broadcast live on MDR on December 12 (8.15 pm), as the foundation announced on Tuesday. Presenters Stephanie Müller-Spirra and Sven Lorig wil ..

Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Wagenknecht party wants U-committee on corona in Saxony

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..

Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Wagenknecht party wants U-committee on corona in Saxony

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..

The surgical robot "Hugo" is presented in an operating room at the Department of Urology at Dresden University Hospital. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Model project for cancer treatment away from urban centers

Dresden University Medicine wants to expand interdisciplinary care for tumor patients away from urban centers. As part of a three-year pilot project called Mission4Sax, a surgical indication tumor board is to be set up by 2027, which will offer state-of-the-art technical surgical procedures and inno ..

The surgical robot "Hugo" is presented in an operating room at the Department of Urology at Dresden University Hospital. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Model project for cancer treatment away from urban centers

Dresden University Medicine wants to expand interdisciplinary care for tumor patients away from urban centers. As part of a three-year pilot project called Mission4Sax, a surgical indication tumor board is to be set up by 2027, which will offer state-of-the-art technical surgical procedures and inno ..

The product mentioned in the text has been recalled / Photo: ---/dpa-Infografik/dpa/Illustration

Possible glass splinters in pizza dough: recall

Donaustrudel GmbH has recalled KORNELIA pizza dough in several German states due to possible glass splinters. The company, based in Amberg, Bavaria, announced on Wednesday via the lebensmittelwarnung.de portal that an upstream supplier could not rule out contamination of a raw material with glass sp ..

The product mentioned in the text has been recalled / Photo: ---/dpa-Infografik/dpa/Illustration

Possible glass splinters in pizza dough: recall

Donaustrudel GmbH has recalled KORNELIA pizza dough in several German states due to possible glass splinters. The company, based in Amberg, Bavaria, announced on Wednesday via the lebensmittelwarnung.de portal that an upstream supplier could not rule out contamination of a raw material with glass sp ..

The product mentioned in the text has been recalled / Photo: ---/dpa-Infografik/dpa/Illustration

Possible glass splinters in pizza dough: recall

Donaustrudel GmbH has recalled KORNELIA pizza dough in several German states due to possible glass splinters. The company, based in Amberg, Bavaria, announced on Wednesday via the lebensmittelwarnung.de portal that an upstream supplier could not rule out contamination of a raw material with glass sp ..

An open pack of cigarettes lies on a table. In Saxony, the proportion of smokers is slowly but steadily declining / Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

Smoking rate in Saxony continues to fall

The number of smokers in Saxony is slowly but steadily decreasing. Young people in particular smoke significantly less often than they did 20 years ago. Smoking rate among men and women declining. Health effects and financial consequences.

The pharmacy sign hangs on a house facade / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

Number of pharmacies in Saxony continues to fall

According to industry representatives, the number of pharmacies in Saxony continues to decline. "In some regions such as Bautzen, Görlitz or Vogtland, patients already have to travel longer distances to the nearest pharmacy," said the President of the State Chamber of Pharmacists, Göran Donner, on T ..

The pharmacy sign hangs on a house facade / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

Number of pharmacies in Saxony continues to fall

According to industry representatives, the number of pharmacies in Saxony continues to decline. "In some regions such as Bautzen, Görlitz or Vogtland, patients already have to travel longer distances to the nearest pharmacy," said the President of the State Chamber of Pharmacists, Göran Donner, on T ..

A menu in Braille in a restaurant in Ingolstadt (Bavaria). / Photo: Armin Weigel/dpa/Archivbild

Ballot paper templates for blind and visually impaired voters

Ballot paper templates for blind and visually impaired people will once again be issued for the European elections in Saxony. This will ensure that visually impaired voters will also be able to vote independently in the European elections on June 9, announced state election director Martin Richter o ..

Medication and a pot and cup of tea to fight a cold are on a bedside table / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa/Symbolic image

Authority: Flu season in Saxony comes to an end

The 2023/2024 flu season in Saxony is over, according to the State Investigation Institute (LUA). Influenza viruses are still circulating, but other viruses such as rhinoviruses and seasonal coronaviruses are currently dominating the incidence of colds, the authority announced on Friday. According t ..

Several certificates of incapacity for work lie on a table / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa/Symbolic image

Barmer: Employees in Saxony with a good 23 days of absence in 2023

Employees insured with Barmer in Saxony were absent from work for a total of almost two weeks last year. On average, 64 out of 1,000 employees between the ages of 15 and 64 were on sick leave, two fewer nationwide, as the health insurance company with 311,000 policyholders announced in Dresden on Tu ..

A sign with the words "Avian influenza restricted area" hangs at the entrance to a town / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Only a few outbreaks of bird flu so far

There were only a few outbreaks of avian influenza in Saxony last winter, but the Ministry of Health does not want to give the all-clear. Nationwide, 111 cases of avian influenza have been reported so far this year. They are concentrated on the North and Baltic Sea coasts, the ministry said on Sunda ..

A doctor evaluates the X-ray image of a sick patient / Photo: Rainer Jensen/dpa

Tuberculosis cases remain constant in Saxony

The doctor Robert Koch discovered the tuberculosis pathogen and was later awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. In 2022, 10.6 million people worldwide contracted the disease and 1.3 million died. And in Saxony?

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks at the 1042nd plenary session of the German Bundesrat. / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Cannabis: who voted how in the Federal Council

On Friday, three states voted in the Bundesrat to refer the cannabis law to the mediation committee. Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland voted in favor of sending the law back to the compromise committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat for renegotiation. This would have been the only way to at le ..

A vaccination certificate with a cross for the measles vaccination lies on a table / Photo: Tom Weller/dpa

More children in Vogtland fall ill with measles

The measles outbreak among children in Vogtland has spread. Two more children have fallen ill this week, the district office announced on Friday in response to an inquiry. We are talking about mild cases of the disease. It is highly likely that they were in contact with the two previously affected f ..

A stele stands in front of the Saxon State Medical Association / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Increased number of doctors: concerns in rural areas

The number of doctors in Saxony increased last year. There are currently 19,693 doctors working in the state - 442 more than in the previous year, the Saxon State Medical Association announced in Dresden on Friday.According to the Medical Association, the number of working female doctors rose by 373 ..

A man drinks from a small bottle of schnapps in the evening. The 4th Saxon Drug and Addiction Report will be presented on Tuesday. / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Köpping presents new drugs and addiction report

Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) will present the new Saxon Drug and Addiction Report on Tuesday (12.00 noon). So far, alcohol has been the number one addiction problem in the state. However, illegal drugs such as crystal and cannabis also play a major role in outpatient addiction support, accord ..

A man holds a joint in his hand / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa/Illustration

Cannabis clubs in the starting blocks

From July, people will be able to buy cannabis legally in certain clubs. In Thuringia, this will be possible in a number of cities. However, there are still unanswered questions.

A sign with the inscription "Coronavirus Einreisebestimmungen beachten!" can be seen on the federal highway 304 in the direction of Germany at the border "Saalachbrücke". / Photo: Matthias Balk/dpa

Corona fines rarely paid back so far

After curfews, compulsory masks and quarantine requirements, Bavaria's coronavirus protection rules came to an end a good year ago. Some were later declared invalid. However, those affected have had little to gain from this so far.