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Riots at Chemie against Lok Leipzig: One injured

Police officers stand behind a police tape / Photo: Hannes P. Albert/dpa
Police officers stand behind a police tape / Photo: Hannes P. Albert/dpa

A police officer was injured on Sunday during rioting after the regional league match between BSG Chemie Leipzig and 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig. After the city derby between the two long-time local rivals (final score 1:1), Lok Leipzig fans threw garbage cans and objects at the police officers, a police spokeswoman said on Sunday when asked about the incident. A 46-year-old officer was hit in the process. He was taken to hospital.

According to the police, the officers were attacked several times. Some fans even tried to throw a mobile toilet over a fence at the officers. They then used irritant gas and, briefly, a water cannon. The identities of numerous fans were established. The police are investigating on suspicion of particularly serious breach of the peace.

The highest security level was in place for the match. The police were supported by the Saxon riot police, the police administration office and the Chemnitz police headquarters, as the police headquarters had previously announced. Service dogs, the rider squadron, a helicopter and water cannons were also available. A so-called Sensocopter was also deployed. This is a remote-controlled drone with image transmission technology.

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