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Nagelsmann criticizes Bayern bosses' dealings with coaches

Julian Nagelsmann looks into the crowd before the match / Photo: Marius Becker/dpa
Julian Nagelsmann looks into the crowd before the match / Photo: Marius Becker/dpa

Julian Nagelsmann criticizes the lack of development time for coaches at FC Bayern Munich and criticizes manners in professional soccer.

Julian Nagelsmann criticizes the way FC Bayern Munich bosses treat their coaches. The current national coach would have liked more development time at the German soccer record champions. "I was hired at Bayern with the proviso that I would change things. There are clubs that give you time. Jürgen Klopp was at Liverpool FC for five years before he became champion there for the first time. Pep Guardiola only won the Champions League title with Manchester City after seven years. The coaches at Bayern Munich don't get that much time to develop something," said the 36-year-old in an interview with the news magazine "Der Spiegel".

Nagelsmann was signed by Bayern in the summer of 2021 as a long-term project from RB Leipzig for a high million-euro transfer fee and was given a five-year contract as a sign of trust. However, he had to leave during his second season. His successor Thomas Tuchel will also leave FC Bayern prematurely by the end of the season at the latest. His contract actually runs until 2025.

In this context, Nagelsmann complained about the way professional soccer is run. There is a lack of openness in the business. "What is communicated to the outside world after a separation has little to do with reality. But that's how it's always been done in soccer, and it will continue to be that way for the next 30 years," said Nagelsmann, who has a contract with the DFB until after the home European Championship this summer. The future after that is open.

The experiences in Munich had made him "more cautious, more sensitive". "Things aren't always super nice in soccer. It doesn't help if you have a good relationship with the decision-makers. And I had that with Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidzic. We discussed how we would deal with it together if a worst-case scenario were to occur. But then everything was different," he said, recalling the collaboration with CEO Kahn and sporting director Salihamidzic and the course of the separation after a 2:1 defeat in Leverkusen in March 2023.

At the time, he was accused of not being available after the defeat. In addition, he went on a skiing vacation with his partner during the international break following the match. "That just wasn't right. I was in the office at the training ground on Säbener Straße from Monday to Wednesday as normal. I was the only one there, by the way, otherwise none of the managers were there. I then went on a short vacation from Wednesday lunchtime until Friday morning. That was also approved."

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