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Five facts about RB Leipzig's match in Gladbach

Leipzig's players around Xaver Schlager (2nd from left) cheer after the 1:2. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Leipzig's players around Xaver Schlager (2nd from left) cheer after the 1:2. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

  • RB Leipzig is warned ahead of this Saturday's (3:30 p.m./Sky) away match at Borussia Mönchengladbach. Most recently, there were three Bundesliga defeats at Borussia-Park with a goal difference of 1:7. Those were also the only victories for the Foals, who suffered eight defeats in a total of 14 league duels.
  • The home statistics, on the other hand, speak for RB. So far, the Leipzigers have not lost a game at home in the Bundesliga against the Borussians. Most recently, three wins in a row.
  • For RB sports director Max Eberl, it will be after the 3-0 home victory in March, the first encounter at Borussia Park with his old love, where he was 23 years with a lot of heart professional, youth official, manager, sports general manager and also darling of the masses. The announcement of his move to RB after retiring for health reasons enraged many Borussia fans.
  • For Marco Rose, too, it is a return to the old place of work. The 47-year-old coach had his first Bundesliga stop as head coach in Gladbach, after he came from RB Salzburg in the summer of 2019 and led the club with fourth place for the first time since 2016 back into the Champions League. He then moved to Dortmund via an exit clause for the 2021/2022 season.
  • The Gladbach side, still winless in the league, suffered two home defeats recently, albeit against Leverkusen and FC Bayern. The Saxons last managed three Bundesliga wins in a row after the opening defeat in Leverkusen.

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