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Coach discussion at Halle FC after defeat against TSV 1860 Munich

Halle's coach Sreto Ristic / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild
Halle's coach Sreto Ristic / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild

After six games without a win and a narrow defeat against TSV 1860 Munich, the coaches of Halle FC are under fire.

Is there now a coaching discussion at Hallescher FC? Despite a good performance at TSV 1860 Munich, the team from Halle lost 0:1 (0:1), are winless for six games and cannot get out of the bottom of the 3rd soccer league. Only one point separates HFC from the relegation places. Nobody wanted to officially talk about a possible separation from coach Sreto Ristic after the game with the Lions. The team's performance was too good.

"Football is merciless to us at the moment," said Ristic on "MagentaSport". Despite the latest defeat, which resulted from a direct free-kick from former Halle player Julian Guttau (17'), he saw a lot of positives. "We didn't give up, stayed together until the end and played for the opponent's goal," said Ristic. However, there were no big chances. "We lacked that little bit of luck. Somehow a lot is going against us," said the coach, who said they deserved at least a point.

The best chance to equalize came from Julian Eitschberger, whose powerful long-range shot was deflected onto the crossbar by 1860 goalkeeper David Richter. "I saw it go in," said the sender of the shot. But it was also the visitors' only clear chance to score. "There was little to see from us offensively, but 1860 didn't have much to offer offensively either," said Eitschberger. He pointed out that games like this are a recurring theme throughout the season. "We just have to keep going, give 100 percent in every game. Then we'll see," said Eitschberger.

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