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MBC coach calls for improved performance ahead of East derby against Chemnitz

Kris Clyburn (l) from Weißenfels and Bonn's Jeremy Morgan fight for the ball / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild
Kris Clyburn (l) from Weißenfels and Bonn's Jeremy Morgan fight for the ball / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild

MBC coach Krunic demands clear improvement after defeat in Hamburg. Chemnitz with self-confidence from success against Bilbao.

After the embarrassing defeat in Hamburg, MBC Head Coach Predrag Krunic is calling for a clear improvement in performance in the East derby against Niners Chemnitz. "We didn't play well in the first half and weren't physical enough. Hamburg started the game all the better and was very present. We didn't find an answer to that for a long time," said the 56-year-old after the German Basketball League club's 76:107 defeat in the north.

The Syntainics MBC will continue its unbeaten run on Saturday (4 p.m.), when Chemnitz comes to the always explosive derby. "We will now look ahead," emphasized Krunic. The game will be broadcast live on Dyn, but also on MDR. The club also announced on Thursday that security measures have been increased. As a result, there could be longer waiting times on arrival and at the entrance.

Chemnitz has won every game against the MBC in the Bundesliga so far. And the Saxons come to Weißenfels with enormous self-confidence. Chemnitz is in second place in the league and won the semi-final first leg of the Fiba Europe Cup against the favored Bilbao Baskets 98:73 on Wednesday evening. After their visit to the MBC, the Niners will host the Basques for the second leg and could reach a European final for the first time.

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