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Leipzig supports St. Georg Hospital with millions in aid

The sign at an entrance to the grounds of the Sankt-Georg-Klinikum in Leipzig / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild
The sign at an entrance to the grounds of the Sankt-Georg-Klinikum in Leipzig / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild

The city of Leipzig has to support its St. Georg hospital with millions in aid to make up for a deficit of 37.67 million euros.

The city of Leipzig must support its St. Georg hospital with millions in aid. Due to increased costs, there will be a deficit of 37.67 million euros in 2023, according to a statement on Monday. The city will now compensate for this with a capital contribution. In addition, the credit line will be increased to 200 million euros to give the hospital financial leeway. "The city of Leipzig stands by its hospital," said Lord Mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD) in a statement on Monday. He appealed to the federal government to press ahead with its hospital reform and to quickly reorganize the financing of hospitals. The city council is to decide on financial aid for the hospital in April.

The financial problems of the Leipzig hospital are not an isolated case, according to Left Party state leader Susanne Schaper. "Saxony's hospitals are in great danger of insolvency, even if each one has its own specific problems." Municipal providers will not be able to cope for long. "All hospital locations must be secured, at least as outpatient clinics." The state and federal government must ensure this together.

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