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Fanzone Leipzig booming: 175,400 guests so far

The Dutch fans celebrate before the game / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa
The Dutch fans celebrate before the game / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa

The fan festival in Leipzig is a complete success. Tens of thousands of soccer fans celebrate themselves and their teams in the city center. Beer is flowing in torrents and the city clean-up team is in constant action.

The fan zone in Leipzig's city center is booming. The city announced on Thursday that 175,400 soccer fans have flocked to Augustusplatz for the matches so far. Around 35,000 liters of beer have been served in the zone, which has been open since 14 June. The fan zone in Leipzig offers space for around 15,000 people and presents a colorful supporting program with a Ferris wheel, a small soccer field and numerous musical highlights until July 14.

Despite the exuberant crowd, the city's cleaning department also draws a positive conclusion. So far, around 200 tons of waste have been collected in Leipzig's city area, including the fan zone on Augustusplatz and the Meeting Point on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz. "We are working with over 75 mechanical and manual workers and numerous vehicles every day," said Thomas Kretzschmar, head of the municipal waste management company. In addition, 350 bins have been placed around the city.

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