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Major construction projects on Saxony's highways

Trucks and cars drive into the Königshainer Berge tunnel / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Trucks and cars drive into the Königshainer Berge tunnel / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Saxony's highways are also undergoing major construction this year. The Königshainer Berge tunnel is a bottleneck on the A4.

The federal Autobahn GmbH is planning ten major construction projects on Saxony's highways this year. A total of 157 million euros will be invested, as spokesman Tino Möhring said on Friday. According to him, 123 million euros of this will flow into maintenance measures, while the rest will be needed for the further construction of the A72 south of Leipzig. The investment volume is roughly at the same level as last year. The construction season begins in mid-April.

The largest project with the longest planning lead time is the renovation of the Königshainer Berge tunnel on the A4. The entire operating technology will be renewed there. The systems are now a quarter of a century old. The two tunnel tubes will be renovated one after the other. This year, it will be the turn of the north tunnel in the direction of Dresden, followed by the south tunnel in 2025.

In addition, the road surface will be renewed on several sections of the Autobahn 4. This concerns 4.3 kilometers between Nossen and Wilsdruff in the direction of Görlitz and 4.6 kilometers between Bautzen-West and Weißenberg, also in the direction of Görlitz.

On the A4, Autobahn GmbH is also tackling the issue of a lack of parking spaces for trucks. Additional parking spaces are being created on both sides of the Oberlausitz filling station and rest area - the number is to be increased from 45 to 69 on each side. "The shortage is there," said Möhring. At the same time, however, the expansion options are limited.

On average, around 50,000 vehicles drive on Saxony's freeways every day, a third of which are trucks. The A4 near Dresden is particularly busy, with up to 120,000 vehicles on the road every 24 hours.

Renewing the carriageway is also due on the A14 between Döbeln-Nord and Mutzschen. On the A72 between Stollberg-Nord and Chemnitz-Süd, the central crash barriers will also be replaced over a distance of 10.5 kilometers. However, this will mainly take place at night, so that the disruption will be limited, said Möhring.

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