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17-year-old remains uninjured after tractor accident in ditch

The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car / Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa/Symbolic image
The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car / Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa/Symbolic image

A 17-year-old girl fell into the ditch with a tractor but was uninjured.

A 17-year-old girl fell into the ditch on the B98 with a tractor and was uninjured. The driver wanted to turn off in the direction of Schmölln on Monday evening, but lost control of the vehicle due to the slippery road, police said on Tuesday night. The tractor plunged about four to five meters to the right of the road and came to rest on its roof on the embankment. The 17-year-old was not injured. Around 200 liters of diesel leaked out, which will be removed during the recovery work this morning. According to the police, the material damage amounts to around 30,000 euros.

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