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Köpping SPD top candidate for the 2024 state election

Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping speaks at the Herbert Wehner House / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping speaks at the Herbert Wehner House / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping is to lead the SPD as top candidate in the state election in just under a year. This was announced by the state executive committee on Monday in Dresden. An extraordinary party conference on November 25 must still confirm the selection.

Four years ago, the Social Democrats in the Free State with 7.7 percent of the second votes had achieved their worst result so far. In the latest poll of the opinion research institute Insa it came only to 7 percent. Now the Social Democrats want to get back into clear double digits. According to a spokesman, the party's state association currently has about 4,500 members.

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