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Farmers protest in Poland against EU agricultural policy

Farmers block the Elbe bridge with tractors. On Saturday, German, Polish and Czech farmers demonstrated together against the EU's agricultural policy / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Farmers block the Elbe bridge with tractors. On Saturday, German, Polish and Czech farmers demonstrated together against the EU's agricultural policy / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

German, Polish and Czech farmers demonstrated together on the Polish side of the border crossing near Bogatynia on Saturday against EU agricultural policy and the import of cheap agricultural products from Ukraine. As the chairman of the "Land Creates Connection" initiative announced on site on Saturday, a total of 400 farmers with 150 tractors took part in the protests in the border triangle. The farmers blocked a long road with two traffic circles. This caused traffic jams.

As the protest took place on the Polish side, the German police had no information on this. However, they were informed about the action.

In a joint letter to the German government and the EU Commission, the farmers called for a revision of the common agricultural policy in the EU. The farmers also criticized the EU's so-called "Green Deal", which aims to make Europe a climate-neutral continent by 2050. They also demanded more self-determination on their own farms. They also demanded that imports - such as grain from Ukraine - should not be allowed to enter Europe uncontrolled. Such imports would destroy the markets in all three countries.

Copyright 2024, dpa (www.dpa.de). All rights reserved

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