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Cabinet meets in the district of Görlitz

The Saxon cabinet in Michael Kretschmer (M, CDU), Minister-President of Saxony, consults during an external cabinet meeting at the Horch Museum in Zwickau / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The Saxon cabinet in Michael Kretschmer (M, CDU), Minister-President of Saxony, consults during an external cabinet meeting at the Horch Museum in Zwickau / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Time and again, the Saxon government meets outside of Dresden for cabinet meetings. Now it is the district of Görlitz's turn.

The Saxon government led by Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) will meet in Zittau on Tuesday. The external cabinet meeting will take place at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, as the state government announced last Wednesday. The first part of the meeting will focus on the district of Görlitz. District Administrator Stephan Meyer (CDU) will be a guest. The Mayor of Zittau, Thomas Zenker, and the Rector of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Alexander Kratzsch, will open the meeting in the morning (10.00 am).

On Monday evening, the members of the state government were scheduled to meet with representatives of clubs, associations, initiatives and volunteers at the "State Government in Conversation" event in Görlitz. Saxony's state government regularly meets outside the state capital, most recently at the Horch Museum in Zwickau at the beginning of February.

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