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AfD leadership confident: will find partners after election

The AfD chairpersons Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
The AfD chairpersons Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Following the expulsion of AfD MEPs from the right-wing ID Group in the European Parliament, the AfD leadership is determined not to remain isolated at European level after the European elections. "We have taken note of the ID Group's decision. Nevertheless, we are optimistic about the election evening and the days that follow," explained party leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla in Berlin on Thursday.

The AfD is striving to ensure a powerful group in the European Parliament with a strengthened delegation. "In order to be politically effective in Brussels, cooperation with related parties is essential. We are therefore confident that we will continue to have reliable partners at our side in the new legislative period," emphasized Weidel and Chrupalla.

Previously, all nine AfD MEPs had been excluded from the right-wing ID Group in the European Parliament. A corresponding motion by group leader Marco Zanni had received the necessary support, several group representatives told the German Press Agency in Brussels on Thursday. Previously, statements by AfD MEP and European election candidate Maximilian Krah on the SS, among others, had caused sharp criticism.

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