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A dachshund on the sidelines of a press conference on the 2023 balance sheet in its kennel at the Dresden animal shelter / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Greens call for more help for animal shelters and rescue centers

The Greens in Saxony's state parliament are proposing better help for animal shelters and sanctuaries for wild animals. "The animal shelters in Saxony are at the limit of what they can achieve. The number of animals taken in is constantly increasing - but the resources are not growing with it," expl ..

Susanne Schaper and Stefan Hartmann, state chairmen of Die Linke Sachsen / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Left focuses on social justice

Comprehensive healthcare, free lunches at daycare centers and schools, fair wages and affordable rents - these are the issues with which the Left Party wants to win over voters.

View of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Insa survey - AfD and CDU almost on a par

About two and a half months before the state election in Saxony, a recent Insa survey shows a neck-and-neck race between the AfD and CDU. According to the survey published on Wednesday, the AfD is the strongest force, just ahead of the CDU. The Saxon AfD is classified as right-wing extremist by the ..

A hawk plucks a pigeon from a tree in the backyard of a house in the southern suburbs / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa/Symbolic image

Local authorities can acquire land for nature conservation more easily

Municipalities and districts in Saxony can now acquire land for nature conservation more easily. This is provided for in a law passed by the state parliament in Dresden. Specifically, they will once again have a right of first refusal. The law also lowers the minimum age for voluntary work in nature ..

Tamara Zieschang (CDU) Minister of the Interior and Sport of Saxony-Anhalt speaks to MPs in the state parliament. / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa/Archivbild

State parliament meets for the last time before the summer break

The Saxon state parliament is expected to meet for the last time before the summer break on Thursday (9.00 a.m.). A few weeks before the end of the legislative period, MPs have to vote on two dozen bills. The meeting on Wednesday was therefore scheduled to last until two hours after midnight.This is ..

A "State Office for the Protection of the Constitution" sign stands in front of the entrance to the authority. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

State parliament passes constitution protection law

The Saxon state parliament has passed a new law on the protection of the constitution, thereby implementing the requirements of case law. Green Party interior politician Valentin Lippmann spoke of a far-reaching reform on Wednesday. "The activities of the Office for the Protection of the Constitutio ..

The Saxon State Parliament and a coat of arms of Saxony are mounted on the façade of the old parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

State parliament passes new assembly law

The Saxon state parliament passed a new assembly law on Wednesday. Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) considers it to be the most modern of its kind in Germany.The protection of media representatives at gatherings is expressly formulated as a task of the authorities. Journalists should identify ..

The plenary chamber of the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa

Left parties fail with special fund for social equalization

The left-wing parties in the Saxon state parliament have failed with their bill for a special fund for social compensation and climate protection. Five billion euros were to be used to relieve the population in the event of crises, natural disasters or catastrophes. During a debate in parliament on ..

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks at a press conference in the cotton mill after the joint cabinet meeting with North Rhine-Westphalia / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Kretschmer: The issue of migration must be pacified

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has called on the federal government to find a solution to the refugee issue. The CDU politician said in the state parliament on Wednesday that migration figures must be significantly reduced and the issue pacified. The population expects this. In the d ..

View of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxon state parliament with a mammoth program before the summer break

The Saxon state parliament is facing a mammoth program for its last sessions before the summer break. Sessions are expected to last 17 hours on Wednesday - until the early hours of the next morning. Thursday is scheduled to end after ten hours. If not all items on the agenda have been completed by t ..

An election worker places ballot papers on a pile to count the postal votes for the European elections / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Saxony still counts: No final result of the European elections

The counting of votes for the European elections in Saxony continued well into the night on Monday. Even at 1.00 a.m., no final result was available. According to the overview of the state election supervisor, all votes had been counted in 410 out of 418 municipalities by then. Final figures were al ..

Participants of the state party conference of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) sit in their seats. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

BSW: "Whirling up the German party landscape"

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) sees its course confirmed by its performance in the European elections. The Saxon BSW leader Sabine Zimmermann told the German Press Agency in Dresden on Sunday that it was unique for a party to achieve a nationwide average of over five percent from a standing st ..

The Saxon State Parliament stands at a gate at the rear of the parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Saxon constitution now also in Sorbian

In future, the constitution of the Free State of Saxony will also be available in Sorbian. The "Wustawa Swobodneho stata Sakskeje" was published to mark the 25th anniversary of the Sorbian Law, as announced by the state parliament in Dresden on Friday. "This edition advances the idea of a living con ..

Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Wagenknecht party wants U-committee on corona in Saxony

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..

Sahra Wagenknecht speaks at her party's state party conference / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Wagenknecht party wants U-committee on corona in Saxony

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be the first parliamentary initiative to launch a committee of inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic if it enters the state parliament in Saxony. "The coronavirus investigation must begin this year in Saxony," Wagenknecht told the German Press Agency in ..

Maximilian Krah, top candidate of the AfD for the European elections, speaks at an election event. / Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa

Krah confirms searches of ex-employees

The AfD's lead candidate in the European elections, Maximilian Krah, has confirmed that the recent searches in Brussels and Strasbourg were directed against a former employee - who, however, no longer works for him. "Because it is misunderstood: There was no search today in an office that belongs to ..

The AfD chairpersons Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

AfD leadership confident: will find partners after election

Following the expulsion of AfD MEPs from the right-wing ID Group in the European Parliament, the AfD leadership is determined not to remain isolated at European level after the European elections. "We have taken note of the ID Group's decision. Nevertheless, we are optimistic about the election even ..

The AfD logo is projected onto a curtain at the federal party conference / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

AfD excluded from right-wing group in the European Parliament

All AfD MEPs have been excluded from the right-wing ID Group in the European Parliament. A corresponding motion by group leader Marco Zanni has received the necessary support, several group representatives told the German Press Agency in Brussels on Thursday.Copyright 2024, dpa (www.dpa.de). All rig ..

Maximilian Krah from the AfD takes part in a session of the European Parliament / Photo: Jean-Francois Badias/AP/dpa/Archivbild

AfD leadership imposes appearance ban on top candidate Krah

With just over two weeks to go before the European elections, the AfD leadership is breaking with its lead candidate Maximilian Krah. The federal executive board has banned Krah from making an appearance, a party spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday, according to a report in the Bild newspaper.Copyri ..

Armin Schuster, Minister of the Interior in Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Espionage case: Schuster rejects speculation by the AfD

Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) has rejected speculation about the involvement of Saxony's Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the alleged espionage case involving AfD European politician Maximilian Krah. "The highly speculative public allegations made by the AfD against ..

Puppies sit and lie next to each other / Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

Leftists demand better animal protection

The Left Party has called for more commitment to animal welfare and denounced abuses. Although animal welfare is a state objective in the state constitution and the Basic Law, the reality is different, explained party leader Susanne Schaper in Dresden on Thursday. The topic should still play a role ..

View of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

State parliament passes law on integration and participation

Saxony wants to make it easier for migrants to settle into their new home. On Thursday, the state parliament in Dresden passed an integration and participation law. Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) spoke of a milestone on the way to a society that values and promotes the diversity of its ..

Christian Piwarz (CDU), Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs of Saxony, stands before his visit to Julius-Ambrosius-Hülße-Gymnasium / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony wants to carefully develop its education policy

Evolution instead of revolution: this is the slogan under which Saxony intends to further develop its school system in future. A key success factor of Saxony's education policy is the good balance between innovation, systematic and continuous quality development and stability, said Minister of Educa ..

Christian Piwarz (CDU), Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs of Saxony, stands before his visit to Julius-Ambrosius-Hülße-Gymnasium / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony wants to carefully develop its education policy

Evolution instead of revolution: this is the slogan under which Saxony intends to further develop its school system in future. A key success factor of Saxony's education policy is the good balance between innovation, systematic and continuous quality development and stability, said Minister of Educa ..

View of the plenary chamber during a session of the Saxon State Parliament. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

State parliament debates poverty and education

The Saxon state parliament will debate poverty and education in the Free State on Thursday (from 10.00 a.m.). The two topics were added to the parliamentary agenda at the request of the Left Party and the Christian Democrats respectively.Before the topical hour, Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens) ..

Alexander Dierks (l), CDU Secretary General in Saxony, and Michael Kretschmer (CDU), at a meeting. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

CDU aims to become strongest force in Saxony state elections

The CDU wants to become the party with the most votes in the state elections in Saxony, as it did five years ago. The AfD is currently ahead in the polls. "Our goal is to clearly become the strongest party in the Saxony elections and to form a stable government from the center under the leadership o ..

View into the plenary chamber of the Saxon State Parliament during the session. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

State parliament votes on U-committee on subsidies

The Saxon state parliament will vote on Friday at a special session on the appointment of a committee of inquiry into funding practices at the Ministry of Social Affairs. This was announced by parliament on Wednesday. The committee was set up at the instigation of the AfD parliamentary group. The ba ..

The Saxon state parliament stands at a gate at the rear of the parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Left Party proposes comprehensive constitutional amendment for Saxony

The Left Party sees a considerable need for constitutional change in Saxony and goes far beyond the coalition's ideas with its proposals. We must find answers to the challenges of our time, said parliamentary group leader Rico Gebhardt on Friday in Dresden and criticized the changes planned by the C ..

The Saxon state parliament stands at a gate at the rear of the parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Left Party proposes comprehensive constitutional amendment for Saxony

The Left Party sees a considerable need for constitutional change in Saxony and goes far beyond the coalition's ideas with its proposals. We must find answers to the challenges of our time, said parliamentary group leader Rico Gebhardt on Friday in Dresden and criticized the changes planned by the C ..

View of the party logo at an AfD federal party conference / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa/Symbolic image

AfD parliamentary group wants to allow horse riding on all forest paths

The AfD parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament wants to reform the Forest Act and allow horse riding on all paths. The parliamentary group presented a draft bill to this effect on Thursday. "Saxony is one of four federal states in which riding in the forest is restricted. In the Free Stat ..

The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party conference / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa/Symbolic image

Leftists push for lowering the voting age in Saxony

The Left Party in the Saxon state parliament is pushing for the voting age to be lowered to 16. Specifically, they are concerned with state and local elections. This already applies to the European elections. Following a hearing in parliament on Wednesday, parliamentary group leader Rico Gebhardt re ..

View into the plenary chamber of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Criticism of integration law at hearing in state parliament

The planned Integration and Participation Act has met with both approval and criticism at a hearing in the state parliament's social affairs committee. The Saxon Association of Towns and Municipalities (SSG) described the government's draft law on Monday as "yet another example of state over-regulat ..

The Saxon state parliament stands at a gate at the rear of the parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

State parliament passes new civil protection law

Saxony has a new law for fire protection, rescue services and disaster control. The state parliament passed the government's bill on Wednesday without any votes against, there were only abstentions. Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) spoke of one of the most modern laws of its kind in Germany. " ..

View of the plenary chamber during a session of the Saxon State Parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Debate on the debt brake: calls for reform

The SPD, Green and Left parties have called for a reform of the debt brake at federal and state level. "The current debt brakes are clearly outdated", said SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Panter in the state parliament on Wednesday. In their current form, they would become a brake on investment, ..

Petra Köpping (SPD), Minister of Social Affairs of the State of Saxony / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Köpping: no corruption affair in the Ministry of Social Affairs

Saxon Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) has once again rejected accusations in connection with her ministry's funding practices. "There was and is no corruption affair in the Ministry of Social Affairs. But there was incorrect administrative action," she said in the state parliament on Wed ..

The Saxon state parliament stands at a gate at the rear of the parliament building / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

State parliament with government statement and debt brake debate

The Saxon state parliament plans to discuss the debt brake at federal and state level on Wednesday (from 10.00 a.m.). The debate was reignited by the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court in mid-November. The court had declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in the federal budget null and ..

View of the construction site of the joint prison of Saxony and Thuringia. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

"Shambles of a state treaty": criticism of the prison building

In the Thuringian state parliament, several MPs have criticized delays and cost increases in the construction of a joint Thuringian-Saxon prison in Zwickau. "What a debacle", said FDP MP Dirk Bergner on Wednesday during a topical debate in the Thuringian state parliament. We neither know when the pr ..