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Brandenburg state government supports the preservation of the glass factory

Jörg Steinbach speaks during a dpa interview / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa
Jörg Steinbach speaks during a dpa interview / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

The Brandenburg state government is committed to preserving the glass factory in Tschernitz in order to ensure its competitiveness on the solar market.

The Brandenburg state government is committed to maintaining the Brandenburg Glass Manufactory (GMB) at its site in Tschernitz, according to Economics Minister Jörg Steinbach. Steinbach told the German Press Agency on Wednesday that the state was in talks with the southern Brandenburg company and that he himself had recently visited GMB. However, in order to maintain photovoltaic production and thus also the production of glass panels in Germany, it is imperative that it can keep up with the significantly cheaper imports from China, for example, the minister made clear.

"In order to remain competitive, they are dependent on effective support from the federal government. The resilience bonus that has been under discussion at federal level for months would be just such support, but it is simply taking far too long. It urgently needs to be put in place quickly," Steinbach demanded. The aim of the bonuses is to make solar systems from primarily European production more economically attractive.

After the solar module manufacturer Meyer-Burger announced the discontinuation of its production in Freiberg, Saxony, the Glasmanufaktur Brandenburg (GMB) in Tschernitz is also threatened with closure. This is according to a letter from the Indian GMB majority owner Borosil to the leaders of the coalition of the two parties, the CDU/CSU and the Left Party, which was obtained by the German press agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur and previously reported on by "Der Spiegel".

The letter states that the company will not be able to maintain flat glass production in Tschernitz without "effective short-term support measures". "If no decisions are made in March to support the German solar industry, i.e. our customers, Borosil will have to cease production in Tschernitz and close GMB." GMB is considered the only remaining relevant manufacturer of solar glass in the EU and is part of the solar supply chain. 300 people work there.

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