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Outflow of workers: Kretschmer concerned

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/archive image
Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/archive image

Against the backdrop of job cuts at Volkswagen in Zwickau, Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has expressed concern about emigrating workers. "Everything that now migrates abroad will be there for 10 or 20 years and will not come back," the CDU politician said in an interview with the "Freie Presse" newspaper (Saturday). If a significant part of the industry breaks away, the rest could collapse like a house of cards.

Background is the job cuts planned by Volkswagen at the Zwickau site. The automotive group wants to cut jobs due to weakening demand for its e-cars and not extend nearly 270 soon to expire contracts of employees. The topic caused a stir in recent days when Kretschmer hinted at the job cuts even before the official announcement at a regional conference of the CDU in Riesa.

In addition, the Minister President initially expressed skepticism about whether the company had relied too much on a boom in electromobility.

Nearly a week later, Kretschmer rowed back slightly. In an interview with the "Freie Presse," he says: "Zwickau as the lead plant for electromobility is a huge advantage: the latest technologies are developed and manufactured here." This makes the location future-proof, he adds. "Colleagues at Volkswagen are unsettled. There will be fewer shifts and therefore fewer people working there." But things will also pick up again, he said.

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