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Number of e-charging points in Saxony has risen sharply

A symbol for e-cars can be seen in a parking lot. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/dpa-tmn/symbol image
A symbol for e-cars can be seen in a parking lot. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/dpa-tmn/symbol image

According to the Federal Ministry of Transport, there are 4386 publicly accessible charging points in Saxony, of which 3526 are normal and 860 are fast-charging points.

According to the Federal Ministry of Transport, the number of e-charging points in Saxony has increased significantly in recent years. "At the end of the first quarter of 2024, a total of 4386 publicly accessible charging points were available in Saxony," the Federal Ministry of Transport announced. Of these, 3526 were normal charging points and 860 were fast charging points. Just three years ago (2021), there were a total of 2379 charging points in the state. Of these, only 381 were fast-charging points. The Federal Ministry of Transport referred to data from the Federal Network Agency.

According to the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), the charging network in Saxony is still better developed in almost all regions in relation to the number of e-cars than the national average. While there are 13.1 e-cars per charging point in Saxony, 19.6 have to use a charging point in Germany as a whole.

"The ramp-up of e-mobility is a joint effort and can only be successful as such," said VDA boss Hildegard Müller. Everyone must take their responsibility. However, the backlog demand throughout the European Union is enormous. The public charging infrastructure must be expanded much more consistently across Europe.

The FDP member of parliament, Torsten Herbst, praised the progress made in his home state. "The expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars has accelerated massively under the current federal government." However, no car buyer should be dictated the type of drive. "However, a good charging infrastructure is the basic prerequisite for the use of battery electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles," Herbst continued. The "almost doubling of Saxony's e-charging points since 2021" shows that the expansion strategy of the Federal Ministry of Transport is working.

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