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Weather service: Autumn 2023 second warmest in Saxony

Two people walk between autumnal trees / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa/Symbolic image
Two people walk between autumnal trees / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa/Symbolic image

The end of autumn was once again too warm - but also too wet. Nevertheless, there was plenty of sunshine.

According to a preliminary assessment by the German Weather Service (DWD), this year's fall is the second warmest in Saxony since measurements began. Despite above-average rainfall, especially in October and November, there was plenty of sunshine, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced in Offenbach on Wednesday. The months of September, October and November form the meteorological fall.

With an average of 11.3 degrees, the temperature was 2.6 degrees above the long-term average of 8.7 degrees. For the autumn finale, the Ore Mountains reported severe frosts of below minus 10 degrees, it said. The 210 liters of precipitation per square meter were significantly higher than the long-term average of 155 liters. The 395 hours of autumn sunshine were also more than the average of 319 hours.

According to calculations by the German Weather Service, autumn 2023 was the second warmest in Germany since measurements began in 1881. Despite the onset of winter with snow, slippery conditions and ice in the past few days, meteorologists recorded an average temperature of 11.5 degrees - 2.7 degrees above the value of the internationally valid reference period from 1961 to 1990, as the DWD announced after an initial evaluation of the results from around 2000 measuring stations. Accordingly, only the fall of 2006 was warmer, with an average temperature of 12 degrees. It was also the 13th warm fall in a row. In southern Germany, it was even the warmest fall since measurements began. According to the DWD, it was also the wettest autumn since 2002 with an unusually wet November.

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