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RB Leipzig supported by fans - Baumgartner optimistic for final spurt

Mainz goalkeeper Robin Zentner (front) defends a ball from Leipzig's Dani Olmo (r). / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Mainz goalkeeper Robin Zentner (front) defends a ball from Leipzig's Dani Olmo (r). / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

RB Leipzig is welcomed by fans at training. Christoph Baumgartner optimistic for final spurt in Bundesliga. Yussuf Poulsen injured.

Bundesliga club RB Leipzig have started the new week with plenty of support from their own supporters. Coach Marco Rose's team were welcomed by around 1,500 fans at training on Tuesday. "I can still remember what a cool experience it was for me as a youngster when a player comes up to you. It's nice to see the sparkle in your eyes," said midfielder Christoph Baumgartner at the media conference afterwards. "I'm a fan of being close to people and giving something back. That's incredibly important."

The disappointing 0-0 draw against 1. FSV Mainz 05 on Saturday didn't dampen the spirits of those taking part. "Football is like that sometimes. Little things are missing. We had enough chances," said Baumgartner. After scoring a world-record goal for his home country in the international match week, the Austrian-born player was also promoted to the starting line-up for Leipzig. "But that wasn't a top game from me," said the 24-year-old, who nevertheless believes he is "on the right track".

He is optimistic about the Saxons' final spurt towards a return to the Champions League. "We still have it in our own hands and are focusing on ourselves. We know that we can't give much away," said the right-footer. "We have the quality and now have to deliver brutally week in, week out. But I still think we can do that."

The next challenge for the team currently fifth in the table is against SC Freiburg, who are three places lower down the table, on Saturday (3.30pm/Sky). "They're ripped off and are on a good run at the moment. It's going to be a heated game," warned Baumgartner, who added his name to the list of Leipzig goalscorers in the 3-1 first-leg win.

The involvement of attacking player Yussuf Poulsen in the match is still open. The 29-year-old was substituted against Mainz with a muscle injury in his thigh and did not take part in training on Tuesday.

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