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Niners Chemnitz lose to Alba Berlin in top game

Aher Uguak from Chemnitz makes his way under the basket and scores. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Aher Uguak from Chemnitz makes his way under the basket and scores. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The Niners Chemnitz lost 79:84 at home to Alba Berlin and suffered a setback in the battle for first place.

The Niners Chemnitz basketball team suffered a setback in the battle for first place in the German league. The league leaders from Saxony lost the top game against third-placed Alba Berlin by 79:84 (35:39) in front of their home crowd on Sunday. DeAndre Lansdowne's attempted three missed Berlin's basket with four seconds remaining to make it 79:82.

Sterling Brown (18), Martin Hermansson (13), Johannes Thiemann and Yanni Wetzel (10 each) played the biggest part in the visitors' success. Jeff Garrett (15), Kevin Yebo (14), Wesley van Beck and DeAndre Lansdowne (10 each) scored the most points for the home side.

Chemnitz got off to a perfect start and was 18:10 in front after seven minutes. However, the home side's shooting percentage, which was just 40 percent from the floor at the end, then dropped steadily. Berlin pulled 35:26 ahead in the 18th minute and then never trailed again in the summit encounter.

The Niners managed to tie the scores at 67:67 in the 35th minute, but were no longer able to turn the tide. The Albatrosses produced a 10:2 run to make it 77:69 in the 37th minute and stretched their lead over time.

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