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Erfurt women from Schwarz-Weiß return to the Volleyball Bundesliga

Schwarz-Weiß Erfurt returns to the Volleyball Bundesliga / Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa
Schwarz-Weiß Erfurt returns to the Volleyball Bundesliga / Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa

The women of Schwarz-Weiß Erfurt will be playing in the Volleyball Bundesliga again next season. The undefeated champions of the 2nd Bundesliga Women's Pro are applying for a first division license.

The women of Schwarz-Weiß Erfurt will be playing in the Volleyball Bundesliga again next season. The undefeated champions of the 2nd Bundesliga Women's Pro have applied for a first division license for the new season. The Thuringian club announced the news on Monday.

Erfurt is not breaking new ground in the Bundesliga: the club was already a member of the first division from 2016 to 2023. The 2023/24 season was used to put the club on a sound financial footing. The club has now succeeded in doing so, as managing director Florian Völker confirmed.

"We were able to reduce our liabilities by 50 percent in Bundesliga 2 Pro. We will also consistently pursue the path of consolidation and economic stability in Bundesliga 1," said Völker.

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