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Unilever cuts 80 jobs at the Auerbach site

The Unilever logo can be seen at the headquarters of Unilever Germany. / Photo: Daniel Reinhardt/dpa
The Unilever logo can be seen at the headquarters of Unilever Germany. / Photo: Daniel Reinhardt/dpa

The food group Unilever wants to let go of numerous employees at its Auerbach site in the Vogtland region.

The food company Unilever wants to let go of numerous employees at its Auerbach site in Vogtland. This year, 80 jobs will be cut, said company spokeswoman Carolin Weber on Thursday in response to an inquiry. Currently, 175 people work there. Among other things, they produce packet soups. The employees were informed of the plans at a meeting. Weber spoke of a "bitter pill", but said that this would avert the closure of the site, which had already been discussed. To justify the job cuts, she referred to falling demand for dry products such as those produced in Auerbach.

The Food, Beverages and Catering Union spoke of a shock for the employees and concerns about a closure in installments. Trade unionist Thomas Lißner accused the company of parting with its workforce bit by bit for reasons of profitability. "We will not accept this." He called on the company to re-examine the decision and develop alternatives for the site. In the coming weeks, the union now wants to put pressure on the company with a campaign.

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