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Saxony's Economics Minister contradicts speculation about abandoning public procurement law

Martin Dulig (SPD), Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, gives a statement on the Public Procurement Act at the Ministry of Economic Affairs / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Martin Dulig (SPD), Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, gives a statement on the Public Procurement Act at the Ministry of Economic Affairs / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig (SPD) has contradicted speculation that the state will abandon its planned public procurement law.

Saxony's Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) has contradicted speculation that the planned public procurement law in the state will be abandoned. "We will pass the draft law in the next cabinet," he said in Dresden on Thursday. The draft would be released for consultation, followed by the first formal participation of all parties involved. "If some people think it's off the table - it's on the cabinet table." The timetable is very ambitious. However, after Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) publicly canceled things, he went back to the drawing board. "The coalition agreement applies - to everyone involved."

Kretschmer had recently caused irritation and triggered criticism with his comments on the Public Procurement Act. The law is intended to attach more conditions to public contracts. At the Leipzig business community's New Year's reception, he said: "We will not make a law against the vote of the business community. If business says no, that also means no." The German Trade Union Confederation and others then called for clarification.

According to his ministry, the involvement of the social partners and chambers in the consultation is important. "All concerns and comments expressed during the consultation, as well as foreseeable changes at federal level, will then be evaluated, weighed up and taken into account as far as possible. Yes, care before haste applies here." Consultation and evaluation would mean that the state parliament would no longer be able to pass the bill during this legislative period. However, the agreed process could create a basis for an amendment to the law in the next legislative period.

The public procurement law is agreed in the coalition law between the CDU, Greens and SPD and is intended to tie the awarding of public contracts to innovation as well as social and ecological sustainability. Public contracts in Saxony are no longer to be awarded to the lowest bidder. The CDU fears unnecessarily more bureaucracy in the awarding of public projects.

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