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Porsche presents annual figures for 2023

An employee of Porsche AG cleans the Porsche emblem on the hood of an all-electric Porsche Taycan at the main plant in Zuffenhausen after attaching it. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa
An employee of Porsche AG cleans the Porsche emblem on the hood of an all-electric Porsche Taycan at the main plant in Zuffenhausen after attaching it. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

Sports car manufacturer Porsche was recently on track to achieve its annual financial targets. Sales also increased in 2023 - but not in an important market. The DAX-listed company is now taking stock.

The sports and off-road vehicle manufacturer Porsche will publish its business figures for the past year on Tuesday (8.00 a.m.). CEO Oliver Blume and CFO Lutz Meschke will also give an outlook for the current financial year at midday (12.00 noon) and answer questions from analysts and media representatives. The press conference will take place at Porsche's Leipzig site.

The company recently reported a slight increase in sales of 3.3 percent to 320,221 vehicles for 2023. Although deliveries grew in almost all regions of the world, they slumped by 15 percent in China, the most important car market. The main reason for this was the difficult economic situation in the region.

In the first three quarters of 2023, the VW sports car subsidiary increased its turnover by 12.6 percent to 30.1 billion euros compared to the same period in the previous year. Experts had expected a less pronounced increase at the time. The operating result rose by nine percent to 5.5 billion euros. Profit after tax climbed to 3.94 billion euros. At that time, Porsche was on course to achieve its annual targets.

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