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Lusatian Fish Weeks 2023 opened: Minister of Agriculture on site

Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) speaks a greeting at the opening of the Lusatian Fish Weeks. / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa
Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) speaks a greeting at the opening of the Lusatian Fish Weeks. / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa

The 22nd Lusatian Fish Weeks were officially opened on Saturday at the nature and fishing festival in Rietschen (Görlitz district). As the organizer announced on Saturday, among other things, Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) took part in the traditional fishing of the pond in the Rietschen Erlichthofsiedlung to kick off. According to the information, about 2000 visitors and more than 50 traders were on site at the opening event. The fish weeks are intended to create more appetite for local fish until November 5.

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