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News zu #Animals

A dachshund on the sidelines of a press conference on the 2023 balance sheet in its kennel at the Dresden animal shelter / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Greens call for more help for animal shelters and rescue centers

The Greens in Saxony's state parliament are proposing better help for animal shelters and sanctuaries for wild animals. "The animal shelters in Saxony are at the limit of what they can achieve. The number of animals taken in is constantly increasing - but the resources are not growing with it," expl ..

A duck crosses a road with its chicks / Photo: Andreas Rosar/dpa/Archivbild

Police officers rescue ducklings from the A72

Two police officers have reunited a family of ducks after rescuing them from the Autobahn 72 near Chemnitz. Initially, two chicks were picked up from the roadway on Thursday, the police announced on Friday. As there was no trace of the rest of the family, the officers set off in search of them - the ..

This photo provided by Leipzig Zoo shows the female chimpanzee Changa with her young on a climbing apparatus. / Photo: -/Zoo Leipzig/dpa

Chimpanzee offspring at Leipzig Zoo

The West African chimpanzees at Leipzig Zoo have given birth. The female Changa gave birth to a healthy young animal on Tuesday night, the zoo announced on Tuesday. The 13-year-old Changa is taking good care of her offspring, but the keepers have not yet been able to observe it drinking, said zoo di ..

A police emergency vehicle with flashing blue lights / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa

Police search for escaped bull and warn the public

The police are warning people in Oberwiesenthal (Erzgebirgskreis) about an escaped bull. According to the police, it became known on Monday that the 600-kilogram white and yellow spotted bull had escaped. The animal is said to have wandered into a wooded area above a quarry between Hammerunterwiesen ..

A wildcat shows its teeth / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image

Wildcats native to Saxony

For a long time, the European wildcat was thought to be extinct in Saxony. However, the cats have now reappeared in four regions. This gives hope for a further increase in the population.

A wolf walks through an enclosure at the Tripsdrill Wildlife Park waiting for food / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

Dealing with wolves becomes an election issue

The Isegrim's hide has not yet been killed, but the CDU already has clear ideas on how to proceed with the wolf after the state elections. The prospects for them do not seem rosy. The predator is now becoming an election campaign issue.

Cattle are led through the agricultural trade fair "agra". / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Agra 2024 opens: Focus on the future of agriculture

The future of agriculture is on the minds of farmers and politicians at the Agra 2024 agricultural exhibition, which kicked off in Leipzig on Thursday. "The focus is very much on agriculture right now. This also has a lot to do with the farmers' protests we have seen in recent months," said Saxony's ..

A man walks his dog in the morning in the yellowish morning mist colored by the rising sun. / Photo: Thomas Warnack/dpa

Police warn dog owners about dangerous lures

In Waldenburg in the district of Zwickau, unknown persons have repeatedly laid out dangerous bait for dogs. Two meatballs that were found in a meadow on Friday were probably poison bait, the police announced on Saturday. In another case, a woman had previously found a large amount of mince next to a ..

A plaque with the inscription "Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft" is embedded in the façade at the entrance to the Senckenberg Museum. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

Mobile stations to bring research work closer

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden want to arouse interest in their research with mobile research stations. From April to September, two research bikes will provide information on various topics at different locations in Dresden on five Saturdays, as a spokeswoman announced on Frida ..

A plaque with the inscription "Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft" is embedded in the façade at the entrance to the Senckenberg Museum. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

Mobile stations to bring research work closer

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden want to arouse interest in their research with mobile research stations. From April to September, two research bikes will provide information on various topics at different locations in Dresden on five Saturdays, as a spokeswoman announced on Frida ..

A group of pigs on a fattening farm / Photo: Lars Penning/dpa

Lowest number of pigs and cattle since 1992

The number of pigs and cattle kept on Saxon farms last year was the lowest since 1992. At the end of 2023, around 457,200 pigs and 432,100 cattle were recorded, as the State Statistical Office announced on Monday. This is a new low. In a five-year comparison, the pig population fell by 31.7 percent ..

A sign with the words "Avian influenza restricted area" hangs at the entrance to a town / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Only a few outbreaks of bird flu so far

There were only a few outbreaks of avian influenza in Saxony last winter, but the Ministry of Health does not want to give the all-clear. Nationwide, 111 cases of avian influenza have been reported so far this year. They are concentrated on the North and Baltic Sea coasts, the ministry said on Sunda ..

A "Tierpark" sign stands in front of the Chemnitz Zoo (Saxony). / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild

Chemnitz Geoffroy's spider monkeys relocated to the Canary Islands

Chemnitz Zoo has said goodbye to its Geoffroy's spider monkeys. Two females of these endangered Central American primates last lived at the zoo, the city announced on Friday. As there were no offspring and the group was getting smaller and smaller, the zoo decided to stop keeping this species. The r ..

A great tit (Parus major) on the grounds of the Dresden Environmental Center's wild bird sanctuary / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Deadly obstacle for birds at authority defused

After dozens of tits flew into a glass connection at Leipzig's Technical City Hall and died, the situation has now been defused. The owner of the building has had an interim solution installed, a city spokesperson announced on Friday. The glass front has been covered with colorful strips of paper. A ..

Twelve-toothed pine bark beetles crawl through feeding tunnels on a trunk / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa

Perfect conditions for bark beetles after storm depression

After a storm at the end of last year left damage in the forests of the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains, experts fear further negative effects from the bark beetle. The district announced in Pirna on Wednesday that the dead wood that had been felled served as a suitable breeding ..

A great tit (Parus major) on the grounds of the Dresden Environmental Center's wild bird sanctuary / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

38 tits die after flying into glass front

A whole flock of tits flew into a glass connection at Leipzig's Technical City Hall - and died. "We picked up 34 great tits and four blue tits on Sunday. They could no longer be saved after colliding with the glass pane," said Karsten Peterlein, bird expert at Nabu Leipzig on Tuesday.For years, the ..

At shepherd Wolfgang Görne's dairy sheep farm in Bennewitz-Pausitz, a lamb just a few hours old lies in a bucket during weighing / Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa

Peak season for lambs: Wolves remain a problem

Saxony's shepherds currently have their hands full at the height of the lambing season. On average, each sheep has one to two young. According to the Saxon Sheep and Goat Breeders' Association, the current price for lamb (live) is between 3.55 and 3.60 euros. However, it could still rise if demand i ..

A police officer stands next to a police vehicle / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

Police dog tracks down 36-year-old after accident

Police in Bischofswerda have tracked down a 36-year-old man after an accident with the help of a service dog. According to witnesses, the man had crashed his motorcycle into an oncoming car at a traffic circle and then fled, as the Görlitz police announced on Monday.Service dog Ivan picked up the sc ..

Diana Plange at the 10th International Berlin Pug Meeting. / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa/Archivbild

Animal rights activist honored for torture breeding database

Berlin's former animal welfare officer Diana Plange has been awarded the Lower Saxony Animal Welfare Prize. In 2021, the veterinarian had founded a database on so-called torture breeding. This refers to animals in which body parts or organs are missing, unfit or deformed due to breeding. The QUEN da ..

Diana Plange, Animal Welfare Commissioner of the State of Berlin, stands at the 10th International Berlin Pug Meeting. Pug owners and pug lovers from Berlin and all over the world are invited / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa

Animal rights activist honored for torture breeding database

Berlin's former animal welfare officer Diana Plange has been awarded the Lower Saxony Animal Welfare Prize. In 2021, the veterinarian had founded a database on so-called torture breeding. This refers to animals in which body parts or organs are missing, unfit or deformed due to breeding. The QUEN da ..

An adder / Photo: Sammer/dpa/Symbolic image

Authorities search for adders and smooth snakes

Native snake species are increasingly dependent on the protection of their habitats. The Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge district office asked the public for support on Monday. Specifically, it is about the rare smooth snake and the adder - the "Reptile of the Year 2024" in Germany. Anyone who spot ..

A police car is parked in front of a police station / Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa/Symbolic image

Sparrows trigger police operation in Hoyerswerda

Multiple sparrows triggered a police operation at a supermarket in Hoyerswerda last night. A security company called the police after a motion detector in the store sounded an alarm, as the officers in Görlitz announced on Monday. On site, the emergency services revealed several sparrows as the "cul ..

A beaver sits in the water / Photo: Felix Heyder/dpa/Symbolic image

Mulde beavers unusually active: Beech trees threaten to die off

Beavers have severely damaged several copper beeches on the banks of the Zwickauer Mulde in Wechselburg Castle Park. The State Foundation for Nature and the Environment announced on Thursday that the trees, which are up to 200 years old, must now be expected to die and spoke of the "surprising behav ..

A fire salamander sits in an enclosure / Photo: Daniel Karmann/dpa/Symbolic image

Saxon alliance for the protection of the fire salamander

An alliance for the protection of the fire salamander has been formed in Saxony. The aim is to set up a monitoring and early warning system to protect the fire salamander in Saxony, the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district office announced in Pirna on Wednesday. The Dresden University of ..

A donkey stands on a forest pasture / Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa/Symbolic image

Giant donkey from Saxony could end up in the Guinness Book

The farm owner Katharina Perutzki is hoping that her giant donkey Fred will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. "There is currently no bigger donkey in the world," says the proud owner of the "Kuschelfarm" sanctuary in Krostitz, Saxony. The 31-year-old registered her meadow donkey, which mea ..

Two wolf pups standing in a field / Photo: Torsten Beuster/-/dpa/Symbolic image

Growing interest in wolves

The wolf is attracting growing interest as a subject of study in Saxony. As the State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology announced in Dresden on Friday, almost 5,800 people took part in events on this topic last year organized by the Wolf Environmental Education Centre in Rietschen ..

A young brown-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) sits between leaves on a sidewalk in front of a bush / Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa/Archivbild

Hedgehogs are increasingly in danger in Saxony

Hedgehogs are popular animals. But there are more and more dangers for them. Their habitats are becoming smaller. There is a threat of food shortages because they find fewer insects. Hedgehog associations help injured and sick animals.

Visitors walk to the entrance of Leipzig Zoo / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild

Around 1.9 million visitors to Leipzig Zoo

Leipzig Zoo's popularity with the public rose last year. Around 1.9 million visitors were the third-best annual result to date, the zoo announced. In 2022, 1.87 million guests had been counted.In 2011 and 2012, the zoo had attracted more than two million visitors each year. At that time, a new tropi ..

A salmon ready to spawn is held in the water. / Photo: Ronny Hartmann/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild

Salmon in Saxony return with a delay

Never before have the first salmon returned to Saxony as late as this year. The State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology announced on Friday that it was only on Wednesday that the first impressive salmon was caught during routine monitoring in the Lachsbach stream near Bad Schandau. ..

Lion cubs explore the outdoor enclosure at Leipzig Zoo with their mother Kigali / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Leipzig Zoo raises ticket prices slightly

For the first time in four years, Leipzig Zoo is raising its prices slightly. This is due to rising costs in all areas, the zoo announced on Wednesday. Accordingly, prices will be increased by 1 euro per ticket for children (14 euros) and adults (22 euros) on March 21, 2024. The family ticket will t ..

Lion cubs explore the outdoor enclosure at Leipzig Zoo with their mother Kigali / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Leipzig Zoo raises prices

For the first time in four years, Leipzig Zoo is increasing prices by 1 euro per ticket for children and adults and by 4 euros for the family ticket.

A wolf walks through its enclosure in a wildlife park / Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

Federal states want faster wolf culls from spring

Federal states that are particularly affected want to make it possible to shoot wolves more quickly at the start of the 2024 grazing season with uniform state ordinances. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) announced corresponding talks in Münster on Friday. The ..