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Mobile stations to bring research work closer

A plaque with the inscription "Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft" is embedded in the façade at the entrance to the Senckenberg Museum. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa
A plaque with the inscription "Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft" is embedded in the façade at the entrance to the Senckenberg Museum. / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

The Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden want to arouse interest in their research with mobile research stations. From April to September, two research bikes will provide information on various topics at different locations in Dresden on five Saturdays, as a spokeswoman announced on Friday.

Starting on April 13, the researchers will explain how local bird species have developed food sources in the Great Garden at Lake Carola. This will be followed on May 4 by a journey through the history of the earth at Neumarkt, and on June 22 at Dresden Airport there will be information on what souvenirs can be brought back from vacation. Those interested can find out more about beavers on the Elbe on August 24 at the Neustadt ferry station. The event will conclude on September 7 with impressions of the diversity of insects at Japanisches Palais.

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