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Chemnitz Geoffroy's spider monkeys relocated to the Canary Islands

A "Tierpark" sign stands in front of the Chemnitz Zoo (Saxony). / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild
A "Tierpark" sign stands in front of the Chemnitz Zoo (Saxony). / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa/Archivbild

Chemnitz Zoo has said goodbye to its Geoffroy's spider monkeys. Two females of these endangered Central American primates last lived at the zoo, the city announced on Friday. As there were no offspring and the group was getting smaller and smaller, the zoo decided to stop keeping this species. The remaining females Ginger and Guayana were transferred to the Oasis Wildlife Park on Fuerteventura last Sunday. They have now arrived there safely and are settling in.

The facility will now be renovated and redesigned before a smaller monkey species moves in. It has not yet been announced which species this will be.

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