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RB Leipzig: Champions League "elementary" for Simons' future

Leipzig player Xavi Simons goes for a corner kick / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Leipzig player Xavi Simons goes for a corner kick / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Leipzig are fighting for a place in the Champions League in the Bundesliga. Missing out on qualification would have significant consequences for the squad.

A renewed loan of shooting star Xavi Simons is only possible for RB Leipzig if they qualify for the Champions League. "It improves our basis if we can give players this stage. With Xavi, of course, it's fundamental, but also with Dani Olmo. It's simply the measure of all things," said sporting director Rouven Schröder in the Bild podcast "Stammplatz". Leipzig are currently fifth in the Bundesliga and can provisionally overtake Borussia Dortmund with a draw on Friday evening (20:30/DAZN).

Simons is on loan from Paris Saint-Germain without an option to buy, while Olmo can be bought out of his contract, which runs until 2027, for around €60 million via a clause. The Spaniard's dream destination, as he has emphasized in the past, is his youth club FC Barcelona.

Simons is certain that Leipzig will not be able to finance a purchase even with the proceeds from an Olmo transfer. "We would have to set up several ringing bags. No, that's not realistic," said Schröder. Nevertheless, the manager sees an opportunity for the 20-year-old Simons to develop in Leipzig for another year: "Xavi is going back for now. We would like to start talks after the season to see if there is a possibility."

Leipzig's chances have reportedly diminished due to the departure of international star Kylian Mbappé from Paris. The French champions are set for a shake-up, with the Dutch international set to play a central role.

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