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Markus Babbel criticizes RB Leipzig for parting ways with Max Eberl

TV expert Markus Babbel / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
TV expert Markus Babbel / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Former international Markus Babbel has clearly criticized RB Leipzig's main argument for parting ways with sporting director Max Eberl.

Ex-national player Markus Babbel has clearly criticized RB Leipzig's main argument for parting ways with sporting director Max Eberl. "I think it's a bit ridiculous, because I have to measure the person by his work," Babbel said on "Heute im Stadion" on Bayern 1. "What Max Eberl has done this summer, I think is terrific." The 51-year-old was referring to the strong personnel changes in the RB squad.

"Leipzig had a big bloodletting of top-class players and they have made up for that great with young players. They make a very stable impression and are accordingly in front," Babbel explained.

The Leipzigers had given a lack of commitment as the reason for the immediate release of the 50-year-old Eberl on Friday. "This permanent: 'I have to identify with the club' - I have a hard time with that. Ultimately, it's about the performance and work that someone does. Since the Max has done an outstanding job," said Babbel.

In an interview with the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" Babbel spoke of an incredible number. He also explained there that he and Eberl would know each other "forever". He had started in the D-youth, Eberl in the E-youth at FC Bayern. Babbel now hopes "that Bayern will now strike, so that the issue is finally aside - and Max is at his club, where he belongs."

Red Bull CEO Oliver Mintzlaff explained on Saturday before the top match of Leipzig in the Bundesliga against FC Bayern, that it was no longer possible to save. "That's why we acted so consistently." He said it was a process that had begun earlier in the spring when rumors had surfaced. "Of course, one would have liked that there is more conviction," Mintzlaff said after Eberl was repeatedly associated with FC Bayern and.

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