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Leipzig's female soccer players pick up a point at Werder Bremen

Match balls lie on the grass / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image
Match balls lie on the grass / Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

RB Leipzig drew 1-1 in Bremen on Friday evening, making at least some amends for the first leg. The Saxon Bundesliga soccer team had lost that game 0:5.

The Bundesliga footballers from RB Leipzig have picked up another important point in the relegation battle. The promoted side drew 1-1 (1-0) at SV Werder Bremen on Friday evening. Barbara Brecht, who was moved into the starting eleven, gave the visitors from Saxony the lead in the 18th minute, before Sophie Weidauer (56) scored a deserved equalizer. Leipzig are ninth in the table and five points clear of the relegation zone ahead of the remaining matches this weekend. Bremen remain seventh.

The Leipzig side had unexpectedly lost the first leg 5-0 against Bremen, who are without a win in five matches. They started the game all the more energetically. They made the most of their first chance. Vanessa Fudalla crossed to the right on the edge of the penalty area, from where Brecht shot straight into the corner from 15 meters.

After the changeover, Werder pressed harder, with Weidauer (56) taking a ball on the volley at the far post and hammering it into the middle of the goal. After that, both teams gave each other nothing, it was up and down. In the 87th minute, Werder's Sandra Starke had the winner on her feet from 13 meters, but the visitors' defence just managed to block the ball. So it remained a draw.

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