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DFB suspends Union captain Trimmel for two matches

Union's Christoph Trimmel walks across the pitch after the defeat / Photo: dpa/dpa/Archivbild
Union's Christoph Trimmel walks across the pitch after the defeat / Photo: dpa/dpa/Archivbild

Following his red card in Leipzig, captain Trimmel will be missing for Union Berlin. The DFB has now decided how long the Austrian will have to sit out.

Union Berlin captain Christopher Trimmel has been banned for two games by the German Football Association (DFB) sports court following his red card for rough play in the match against RB Leipzig. The player and the club have agreed to the decision, which is therefore legally binding, as the DFB announced on Tuesday.

Trimmel had fouled Leipzig's David Raum on Sunday and was sent off by referee Marco Fritz in the 73rd minute. The 36-year-old Austrian will now miss the Köpenickers' make-up game at Mainz on Wednesday and against Wolfsburg next Saturday.

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