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Macron promotes a strong Europe in Dresden

French President Macron and his wife are on a three-day state visit to Germany at the invitation of Federal President Steinmeier / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
French President Macron and his wife are on a three-day state visit to Germany at the invitation of Federal President Steinmeier / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

In Dresden, French President Emmanuel Macron campaigned for a strong and sovereign Europe as a guarantor of peace, prosperity and democracy.

France's President Emmanuel Macron has called in Dresden for a strong and sovereign Europe as a guarantor of peace, prosperity and democracy. Europe is at a crossroads, said the President in his speech in front of the Frauenkirche. "Europe is a story of peace, prosperity and democracy." However, all of this is now under threat if Europe does not act. "Europe is a guarantor of peace. For many of us, this argument sounded outdated for a long time. But today there is war in Europe again."

In view of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in particular, it is necessary for Europe to formulate an independent security and defense policy and for Europeans to act as allies within NATO. Europe must also become more sovereign and independent in terms of economic policy, particularly in the face of competition from China and the USA. "Europe needs a growth model for future generations," said Macron. Economic growth and climate protection must be promoted in equal measure.

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