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Saxony's agricultural and food sector at the Green Week in Berlin

People walking through a hall at the International Green Week 2023 / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa
People walking through a hall at the International Green Week 2023 / Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

38 companies and associations from Saxony are presenting their products and innovations at the Green Week in Berlin, including eight certified organic farms. Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther emphasizes the importance of the trade fair for regional value creation and climate protection.

Saxony's agricultural and food sector will be represented by 38 companies and associations at this year's Green Week in Berlin (January 19 to 28, 2024). At the world's largest trade fair for food, agriculture and horticulture, eight certified organic companies will be presenting their products, innovations and specialties to a wide audience, as Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) announced on Friday. The Green Week is "a great opportunity and a great platform" with a broad audience. Regional value creation makes the agricultural and food industry in the Free State more crisis-proof and sustainable "and is a contribution to shorter distances and climate protection".

According to Thomas Horn, Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH, numerous associations have also been won over to exhibit at the fair this time. "This underlines the relevance of the trade fair and shows the great diversity and strong presence of the industry." This promotes networking and cooperation between the various players in the food value chain. According to Horn, the food industry "continues to be one of the most important economic sectors in Saxony's manufacturing industry".

According to the ministry, the selection of Saxon products ranges from potato products and sausage specialties such as salami with local lavender flowers to organic baked goods, coffee, wine and beers, which can be tasted as craft beer or, for the first time, in organic quality. The specialties also include whiskies, honey gin and garlic or field bean spirits from Saxony. Trade visitors and laypeople alike will be able to see this variety "made in saxony" for themselves at the State Day on January 22.

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