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Deutsche Bahn presents new hybrid locomotives powered by chip fat and electricity

The undated photo from Siemens Mobility shows a Vectron Dual Mode locomotive / Photo: -/Siemens Mobility/dpa/Archivbild
The undated photo from Siemens Mobility shows a Vectron Dual Mode locomotive / Photo: -/Siemens Mobility/dpa/Archivbild

Deutsche Bahn (DB) is presenting new hybrid locomotives that run on chip fat and electricity to make freight transport more environmentally friendly.

Deutsche Bahn (DB) wants to make its freight transport more environmentally friendly - and to do so, it wants to use new locomotives powered by electricity and diesel from chip fat. The new generation of locomotives is purely electric on electrified sections of track and can switch to conventional drive on sections without overhead lines without having to change locomotives, explained Michael Peter, head of train supplier Siemens Mobility, which manufactures the hybrid locomotives called "Vectron Dual Mode light". The new model was presented at the marshalling yard in Halle on Friday.

"If we operate this locomotive with green electricity and HVO diesel from chip fat, we can offer our customers a virtually CO2-free supply chain from start to finish - with no stops in between," added Sigrid Nikutta, CEO of DB Cargo. One advantage of the locomotive is that it is particularly light. This means that it can also be used on branch lines and sidings with a lower load capacity, making it more versatile. The first new locomotives are to be used in Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. Single wagonload traffic in particular will benefit from them, it was said.

According to its own information, DB has ordered 150 of the dual-power locomotives in an initial order. With them, the company aims to save around 12 million liters of fuel and 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide. DB Cargo's goal is to equip around 70 percent of its diesel locomotives with innovative drives by 2030.

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