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Association: Adjustment of cab prices often comes far too late

A cab sign on a cab / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image
A cab sign on a cab / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

Anyone taking a cab in Saxony will have to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets. Prices will continue to rise due to the minimum wage. The association is annoyed about delays in adjusting fares.

The considerable delay in adjusting cab fares is a major annoyance for the Saxon association of cab and hire car companies. "The increased minimum wage must always be paid immediately, but it takes at least a year before the fares are adjusted accordingly," said Jan Kepper, chairman of the state association, to the German Press Agency. This delay means that providers always pay extra until the municipalities have decided on the price increases.

According to the association, the basic fee has been 4.50 euros in Dresden since April 2023, 4 euros in Chemnitz and 3.90 euros in Leipzig (since October 2022). In the state capital, the first to third kilometer currently costs 2.80 euros each, in Chemnitz 2.70 euros and in Leipzig 3.20 euros. If the route is longer, the price per kilometer driven decreases slightly. Prices are generally higher at night.

The cab fare in Leipzig has been in force since October 2022. A city spokesperson said in response to an inquiry that the licensing authority had not currently received an application to increase cab fares. However, from discussions with representatives of the cab industry, it is known that the association will examine whether an increase in the transport fee must be applied for if the minimum wage increases further.

When considering raising prices, it is important to weigh up whether customers are still willing and able to pay the fares, Kepper emphasized. "There is then a great risk that the business will end abruptly." However, he assumes that the minimum wage will continue to rise and that cab fares will have to be increased in the near future in order to remain profitable.

The highest basic price in the country of six euros is charged in the Erzgebirgskreis. However, the subsequent kilometer costs just 2.10 euros. If you take a cab in the districts of Zwickau or Görlitz, you pay a lower basic fee, but have to pay 3.50 euros for the first few kilometers.

The industry has had completely different problems in rural areas for some time. "Here, business is dominated by pre-booked rides for schoolchildren, the elderly and patient transportation," explained Kepper. Those who need a cab spontaneously often have to wait a long time or don't get one at all. "Numerous companies, especially in rural areas, have already given up in recent years."

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