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Moritzburg Festival for Chamber Music sets new accents

View of Moritzburg Castle in Saxony / Photo: Georg Moritz/dpa/Archivbild
View of Moritzburg Castle in Saxony / Photo: Georg Moritz/dpa/Archivbild

The renowned Moritzburg Festival for Chamber Music announces 19 concerts and offers new formats such as a tango night and concerts with castle tours.

The renowned Moritzburg Festival for Chamber Music aims to set new accents at its 32nd edition. The organizers announced 19 concerts for the festival from 2 to 18 August on Wednesday. Against the backdrop of the baroque Moritzburg Castle, 27 soloists from Germany and abroad will celebrate the diversity of chamber music literature. New formats include a tango night and an evening in which a concert is combined with a tour of the castle. This year's festival commission - a string octet by Benjamin Scheer - will be premiered at the finale on August 18.

"Come to Moritzburg, where nature, baroque architecture and music come together to create unforgettable moments," said Jan Vogler, Artistic Director of the festival, promoting a visit. The 60-year-old founded the Moritzburg Festival for Chamber Music in 1993 with his brother Kai and his cello colleague Peter Bruns. The idyllic location on the outskirts of Dresden soon became a magnet for chamber musicians from all over the world. The founders were inspired by the Marlboro Festival in the USA. After a rehearsal phase, the participants there also present the results of their work in concerts.

Advance tickets for this year's festival go on sale on March 18.

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