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Leipzig Book Fair condemns disruption of Chancellor Scholz's opening speech

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) speaks at the official opening event of the Leipzig Book Fair in the Gewandhaus / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) speaks at the official opening event of the Leipzig Book Fair in the Gewandhaus / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The Leipzig Book Fair speaks out against hatred, violence, discrimination and anti-Semitism after Chancellor Scholz's opening speech was disrupted.

After the disruption of the opening speech by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at the Leipzig Book Fair, the organizers have spoken out against hatred, violence, discrimination and anti-Semitism. "The Leipzig Book Fair is committed to the peaceful coexistence of all people, regardless of their cultural or religious affiliation. It is a platform for an equal and constructive exchange of opinions," said fair spokesperson Andreas Knaut when asked by the German Press Agency. Freedom of opinion and tolerance are fundamental values. "We stand for free speech."

Demonstrators interrupted the Chancellor several times during the official opening of the trade fair on Wednesday evening in Leipzig's Gewandhaus. During the speech, several activists scattered around the Gewandhaus shouted loudly but largely unintelligibly into the SPD politician's speech. According to several witnesses sitting closer, the shouters accused the Israeli government of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Much of the protest was drowned out by sustained applause from the audience. "The power of the word brings us all together here in Leipzig - not shouting," said Scholz, accompanied by applause. According to Knaut, the disruptive people were expelled from the hall. "The audience also made it loudly clear that it rejects such disruptions." After a few minutes, Scholz was able to continue his opening speech.

The Leipzig Book Fair - the most important German literary show after Frankfurt - runs until Sunday. 2085 exhibitors from 40 countries are presenting their books and new publications. In addition to Scholz, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was also a guest on Thursday for a tour of the exhibition halls. Afterwards, he wanted to discuss the state of democracy with authors Ingo Schulze and Anne Rabe.

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