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SC Magdeburg loses in Hanover and takes the lead in the table

Magdeburg's Philipp Weber (from right), Tim Hornke and Christian O'Sullivan react after the defeat / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Magdeburg's Philipp Weber (from right), Tim Hornke and Christian O'Sullivan react after the defeat / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

SC Magdeburg has now been hit again. There was an avoidable defeat in Hanover.

Series broken, table lead lost: Bundesliga handball team SC Magdeburg suffered their first defeat in a competitive game since September at Hannover-Burgdorf. The SCM lost 27:28 (18:14) in front of 9900 spectators on Sunday. Magdeburg's top scorer was Tim Hornke with eight goals. Magdeburg is now two points behind Füchse Berlin in second place in the table.

For the first time since the European Championship, SC Magdeburg resorted to playmaker Gisli Kristjansson, but Magdeburg only took the lead for the first time after just under 13 minutes (8:7). The hosts called their first timeout, but Hornke increased their lead to three goals after Nikola Portner made a save (12:9/16). Magdeburg could have led by a greater margin at the break, but missed too many attacks to do so.

After the break, SCM increased its lead to six goals (21:15/35) thanks to three goals by Hornke, but was not flawless in finishing, with the result that Hanover gradually reduced the deficit again (24:22/47). "More direct in our play, both at the back and in front," demanded SCM's Head Coach Bennet Wiegert in his timeout. After almost eight minutes without a goal, Omar Ingi Magnusson made it 25:23 for the SCM (50'), but Hannover managed to equalize (26:26/53'). Neither team managed much after that - Hannover won with a penalty goal two seconds before the end.

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