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German handball coach re-nominates Semper and Witzke

Gislason is also playing for his job in the upcoming Olympic qualifiers / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa
Gislason is also playing for his job in the upcoming Olympic qualifiers / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa

National coach Gislason nominates Semper and Witzke for Olympic qualification, personnel changes in the squad

Federal handball coach Alfred Gislason has called up Franz Semper and Luca Witzke for the upcoming Olympic qualifiers from March 14 to 17 in Hanover. Semper (26) has played 15 international matches so far and replaces the injured Kai Häfner in the squad. Witzke (24), who missed the home European Championships in January due to injury, returns to the squad for the injured Martin Hanne.

Both backcourt players play in the Bundesliga for SC DHfK Leipzig. The German Handball Federation announced the personnel decisions on Sunday.

Circle player Justus Fischer had previously had to withdraw from the original 18-man squad due to injury. The participation of the other pivot Jannik Kohlbacher is also questionable. Kohlbacher was injured in the Rhein-Neckar Löwen's Bundesliga match against Erlangen and was due to be examined on Sunday.

The DHB team will face Algeria, Croatia and Austria in a group of four in the battle for an Olympic ticket and must finish at least second. Gislason's job is also at stake. The Icelander's contract will only be extended until 2027 if the DHB team manages to qualify.

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