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FC Bayern Munich cautious about speculation surrounding Max Eberl

Former Bavarian Minister President and member Edmund Stoiber follows the Annual General Meeting. / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa
Former Bavarian Minister President and member Edmund Stoiber follows the Annual General Meeting. / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa

FC Bayern Munich has shown restraint in speculation surrounding the signing of Max Eberl to the board.

FC Bayern Munich have been cautious about speculation surrounding the signing of Max Eberl to the board. "FC Bayern has absolutely nothing to do with the release of Max Eberl at Leipzig. On the other hand, you will understand that I do not discuss such things in public," said President Herbert Hainer after the club's annual general meeting in Munich on Sunday. "Personnel matters are discussed and decided internally."

A regular supervisory board meeting of FC Bayern will take place on Monday. There has been speculation that Eberl could be a topic there. He could not say whether Eberl would come to FC Bayern, said CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen. That is a matter for the supervisory board, said the 56-year-old. "The chairman of the board is usually involved in such matters. That hasn't happened so far. So I don't think there will be a decision on Monday either."

Leipzig had parted ways with the former Gladbach man Eberl. The reason, according to RB bosses, was Eberl's lack of commitment to Leipzig. The former Gladbach manager was linked with a possible move to FC Bayern Munich, but also with Liverpool FC. According to dpa information, the Saxons are demanding around five million euros should Eberl want to work for a new club. RB and Eberl have apparently reached an agreement on this.

After parting ways with sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic, Munich appointed Christoph Freund as their new sporting director. Honorary President Uli Hoeneß had also recently given an evasive answer to this question. When asked about Eberl last month, he stated: "I estimate that we will have the personnel in place for the next six to twelve months to make the future." Eberl is regarded as one of Hoeneß' preferred solutions.

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