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Christmas fan Herrmann-Wick is looking forward to family time

Denise Herrmann from Germany celebrates with her gold medal / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa
Denise Herrmann from Germany celebrates with her gold medal / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa

Denise Herrmann-Wick is enjoying the time after the end of her career. The former world-class winter sportswoman never gets bored. Her house is being built and her family is growing.

Olympic biathlon champion Denise Herrmann-Wick wants to use her newfound free time after the end of her career primarily for her family. "I want to go home to my parents and grandparents more often, that has suffered a bit in recent years. Just being there for a birthday has always been difficult until recently," Germany's Sportswoman of the Year, who ended her impressive winter sports career in the spring, told the "Sächsische Zeitung" newspaper.

From next year, the 35-year-old will have a small family of her own, as the birth of her first child is due in the spring. "It was always clear to me that family planning would come afterwards. And that is the best reason to end a sporting career," said Herrmann-Wick recently at the athletes' gala in Baden-Baden. The construction of the house in her adopted home of Ruhpolding should also be completed by the time she gives birth.

The windows have now been installed. "Now not everyone can peek in. It feels like the shell is there for everyone," said the former cross-country skier from the Erzgebirge and added: "When a house is being built, people are always watching - especially in a village like this. Everyone is always well informed."

Her husband Thomas is in charge of the interior work. "Because he has a very good imagination, but we decide together," reported Herrmann-Wick. Lots of sockets are particularly important for the big Christmas fan. "The candle arches have to light up, it's a real celebration," said Herrmann-Wick.

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