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Chemnitz defeats bottom club Tübingen by 113:82

Players reach for a basketball / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa/Symbolic image
Players reach for a basketball / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa/Symbolic image

The Niners Chemnitz basketball team is keeping up the pressure on leaders Bayern Munich in the German league. The club from Saxony won its home game against bottom-of-the-table Walter Tigers Tübingen by 113:82 (52:41) on Saturday to underpin its second place in the table. Kevin Yebo (23 points) and Wesley van Beck (20 points) played the biggest part in the home side's 23rd win of the season. Four other Chemnitz players also scored in double figures. Jhivvan Jackson and Mateo Seric each scored 16 points for Tübingen.

The club from Tübingen kept the game open until 30:28 in the 13th minute. The club from Saxony then pulled away with eleven points in a row to make it 41:28 in the 16th minute and did not let the game slip away after that. Moreover, the visitors were no longer able to counter the runners-up in the table as the game progressed. The home side was also stronger under the boards, grabbing 34 rebounds compared to just 28 for the visitors.

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