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BSW strives for government participation in Saxony

Sabine Zimmermann, Saxony's co-chairwoman of the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), on the fringes of the founding party conference of the Saxon BSW state association / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Sabine Zimmermann, Saxony's co-chairwoman of the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), on the fringes of the founding party conference of the Saxon BSW state association / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to join the government after the state elections in Saxony. "We are running to change things - and to do that, you have to govern," BSW state chairwoman Sabine Zimmermann told the Leipziger Volkszeitung newspaper (Monday edition). Her party would also not be available as a "mere majority procurer". Should coalition talks take place, the BSW will have clear conditions to achieve tangible improvements for the people, for example in the health and education sectors.

Zimmermann, however, categorically ruled out two coalition options: There would be no cooperation with either the AfD or the Greens, she explained. The Saxon state association of the Wagenknecht alliance was founded two months ago. In a recent survey by the Insa opinion research institute, the party came in at 11 percent. This puts it in third place behind the AfD (34%) and the CDU (30%). According to the survey, the SPD (6 percent), Greens and Left Party (5 percent each) are far behind a good four months before the state election on September 1, 2024.

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