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Numerous road damages in Saxony after winter

A car drives past a pothole. / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image
A car drives past a pothole. / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolic image

The condition of Saxony's roads has deteriorated in many places over the winter. Which places are particularly affected and when drivers can expect improvements.

In some Saxon districts, the roads have deteriorated considerably over the winter. Reasons for the increase in potholes, for example, include prolonged rain and constant frost and thaw changes, according to the district administration of the Leipzig district. The damage had "increased significantly overall compared to the last two years", it added.

The district of Görlitz also spoke of an increase in road damage of up to 20 percent compared to the previous year. State roads were particularly affected. Deterioration was also evident in the Erzgebirgskreis district. Repairs carried out by the district, for example by patching, were "neither economically viable nor sustainable", said district administrator Rico Anton. The city of Chemnitz, on the other hand, is not complaining of any further damage. The condition of the roads there is comparable to previous years, according to the city's press office.

Drivers can expect the damage to be repaired from mid-March. Asphalt mixing plants only start operating again in March every year, the city of Chemnitz added. This means that professional repairs using hot mix can only be carried out then. Until then, cold mix will be used for the temporary removal of immediate danger spots.

According to Tino Möhring, press spokesman for the eastern freeway branch, the condition of the freeways in Saxony did not particularly deteriorate over the winter: "The ad hoc damage that occurred during the winter is at a normal level." However, the A4 with the busy Chemnitz and Dresden areas in particular will have to be kept under review.

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