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Large payouts from hardship fund for oil and pellet heating system owners in the Southeast

A woman holds banknotes in her hand / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Illustration
A woman holds banknotes in her hand / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Illustration

Owners of oil or pellet heating systems in the southeast can still receive money from a hardship fund. So far, just under 5% of heating cost subsidies have been paid out in Saxony.

For owners of oil or pellet heating systems in the southeast, a lot of money is still available in a hardship fund, according to a media report. So far, just under five percent of the available heating subsidies amounting to 89.7 million euros have been paid out in Saxony, MDR reported on Monday, citing the responsible ministries. In Thuringia it was six percent of the 47.4 million euros, in Saxony-Anhalt a good four percent of the 48.5 million euros.

On average, between 320 and 360 euros per application were paid out, as MDR further reported. Until October 20, owners of so-called non-conducted energy sources such as oil, pellets or liquid gas can still apply for the aid. The prerequisite is that the cost of the energy sources from January to December 2022 has at least doubled compared to the same period last year for households.

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