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Günther: Blockade of aid for the solar industry must end

Wolfram Günther, Saxon Energy Minister / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Wolfram Günther, Saxon Energy Minister / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

In the view of Saxony's Energy Minister Wolfram Günther, the ongoing blockade of aid for the domestic solar industry at federal level must end. "China is launching massive dumping attacks against the European solar industry," said the Green politician on Sunday. The European solar industry manufacturers - the most important ones produce in Saxony - are currently fighting for their survival due to a completely distorted market.

In addition to an expression of interest procedure for the promotion of investments, the Federal Ministry of Economics has made practicable, very good proposals for a resilience bonus. This would enable what is now urgently needed to be achieved in the short term: namely to restore fair competitive conditions and save the domestic solar industry and its technological expertise.

An agreement in the parliamentary process on the solar package must therefore be possible and must not be delayed again by the FDP. "This is a de facto blockade and is strategically irresponsible because Europe is already more than 90 percent dependent on China for photovoltaics," explained Günther.

European energy sovereignty is one of the issues at stake. Instead of transferring more and more money to China, the money could be used to promote domestic value creation.

Manufacturers of solar modules in Germany had come under pressure from cheap Chinese imports. The Swiss company Meyer Burger has threatened to close its plant in Freiberg, Saxony, if measures are not taken quickly to ensure fair competitive conditions.

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