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Federal government in talks with Meyer Burger due to impending plant closure

An employee examines a solar module. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild
An employee examines a solar module. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild

The German government is concerned about the possible closure of Meyer Burger's plant in Saxony and is holding talks with the company.

The German government is in talks with solar manufacturer Meyer Burger in the face of an impending plant closure in Saxony. This was stated by a spokesperson for Economics Minister Robert Habeck on Wednesday. The ministry is very aware of the difficult situation of this company and the solar industry in Germany, he said. He could not provide any details about the talks, the spokesman said. In general, the German government wants to support the solar industry in Germany and Europe.

Meyer Burger is considering closing its plant in Freiberg, Saxony, according to its own statements. A final decision would have to be made by mid-February, the company announced - "unless sufficient measures are taken to create fair competitive conditions in Europe, for example through resilience measures".

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