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Development measures adopted for Leipzig's northern area

Burkhard Jung (SPD, l), Mayor of Leipzig, and Martin Dulig (SPD), Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, in an e-bus / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Burkhard Jung (SPD, l), Mayor of Leipzig, and Martin Dulig (SPD), Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, in an e-bus / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

The industrial area north of Leipzig is to be made more attractive for companies and employees with better transport links. Saxony's Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) agreed on this with representatives of local authorities and transport associations on Wednesday. "We want to create more commitment," said Dulig. The municipalities, the city of Leipzig and Schkeuditz, the district and the Free State had therefore agreed on 14 measures. These include improving bus services, expanding roads, building new S-Bahn stops and constructing the high-speed cycle path between Halle and Leipzig.

Northern Leipzig is home to numerous large companies based around Leipzig/Halle Airport - including the car manufacturers Porsche and BMW and the logistics company DB Schenker.

According to Dulig, northern Leipzig is "an absolute economic boom region". It is now important that the economic growth in the north of Leipzig also reaches the residents with better mobility services. According to the ministry, it is not yet possible to provide information on funding and timeframes, as the projects are still in the early stages. They would not only be financed by the Free State, but also by the federal government, local authorities and transport companies.

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